Healthy Lifestyle Initiative – What should I do to prevent coronary Artery Disease?

🌟 Healthy Lifestyle Initiative of OrthoTV 🌟

🔶 Topic: What should I do to prevent coronary Artery Disease?

🔆 Date: 27th September, Friday

🕖 Time: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM IST

👨‍⚕️ Speakers:

* Dr Samir Dani, Cardiologist, Apollo CVHF Hospital, Ahmedabad

* Dr Anish Chandarana, Cardiologist, Marengo CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad

👨‍⚕️ Host:

* Dr Mahadev Desai, Dr Dhiren Ganjwala

▶️ Media Partner: OrthoTV Global

🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr. Ashok Shyam, Dr. Neeraj Bijlani

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