Program for ICL 1:
Introduction / Overview Dr. Deborah Eastwood
To discuss the borderlines between
Normal / abnormal
Physiological / pathological
Something or nothing
In-toeing and Out-toeing : Dr. Antonio Andreacchio
Femoral neck version
Tibial torsion
Foot deformities
Bow Legs and Knock Knees : Dr. Rajiv Negandhi
Right age for the deformity you see?
Associated with torsional problems or not
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Tip Toe Gait : Dr. Deborah Eastwood
Unilateral vs Bilateral
Idiopathic or neurological
Underlying congenital abnormality?
Hypermobility : Dr. V. V. J. Somaraju
When are joints too loose/lax?
Is it normal or a syndrome?
Crooked Spines: Dr. Rajiv Negandhi
Lumbar Kyphosis
Congenital Scoliosis
Leg length differences
Toe problems to be wary of : Dr. VVJ Somaraju
Short Metatarsals
Hallux Varus
Over riding toes
Lumps and Bumps : Dr. N. K. Das
Costochondral Junctions
Vascular Malformations
Case based discussion : Dr. Deborah Eastwood
Moderator: Dr. Antonio Andreacchio